Musa Doğan
- English
- Türkçe

Department of Botany, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, U.K., 1987, 1989
Department of Botany, Edinburgh University, Edinburg, U.K., 1978-1982
Department of Botany, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, U.K., 1978
Department of Botany, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, 1977
The primary reseach focus of the laboratory is on the principles and methods of Plant Systematics including morphology, anatomy, cytology, ecology and genetics of plants. Emphasis is on retrieving and analyzing Plant Systematic data useing current techniques for understanding identification, classification, evolution and conservation priorities. Particular reseach studies carried out in the recent past are mainly based on the families of Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Plumbaginaceae and the Flora of Turkey.
Koutroumpa K, Theodoridis,S, Warren, BH, Jiminez, A, Celep, F, Doğan,M, Romerias, MM, Santos-Guerra A, Fernandes-Palacios,J, Caujape-CastellsJ, Moura M, Sequera MM, Conti, E. 2018. An expanded molecular phylogeny of Plumbaginaceae, with emphasis on Limonium (sea lavenders): Taxonomic implications and biogeographic considerations. Plant Systematics and Evolution 8:12397-12424. doi:10.1002/ece3.4553
Doğan M, Behçet L, Sinan A. 2015.Pseudphleum Anatolicum, a new endemic species of Pseudophleum (Poaceae) from East Anatolia, Turkey. Systematic Botany 40(2):454-460.
Atalay Z, Celep F, Doğan M, 2016. Systematic significance of anatomy and tricome morphology in Lamium (Lamiaceae). Flora 225:60-75.
Doğan, M, Akaydın G. 2007. Synopsis of Turkish Acantholimon Boiss.(Plumbaginaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154:397-419.
Celep F, Atalay,Z, Dikmen F, Doğan M, Classen- Bockhoff R 2014. Flies as Pollinators of Mellittophilous Salvia Species (Lamiaceae). American Journal of Botany 101(12) 20148-20159.