The Volunteer Internship Guide

The purpose of this Guide is to provide you with information on a variety of topics that students would like to learn about the summer internship.

Insurance notifications and premium payments for students who want to do a voluntary internship will be made by universities. Insurance notification and premium payment are legally mandatory for all students who want to do an internship, even if it is not compulsory.

The internship criteria approved by the Department of Biological Sciences are as follows: The internship must last at least 30 days (min. 20 working days), the internship start and end dates must be within the semester break (not during the fall and spring semesters) and must include practical applications.

The process specified below must be followed in order for insurance notifications and premium payments of students who want to do an internship to be made on time.

1- Students who wish to do a volunteer internship must apply to the department with a petition containing internship details (Institution, start/end dates, etc.) at least 1 month before the start of the internship and receive approval from the volunteer internship coordinator.

2- Following the approval process, "The Internship Protocol" regarding the internship to be conducted must be signed between the department and the workplace where the internship will take place, as deemed appropriate by the department.

3- The student must fill out the Declaration and Commitment Documents regarding General Health Insurance and Intern Student Information Form, which can be found at, and submit the exact internship start and end dates and personal information to the volunteer internship coordinator.

4- Out of the 2 forms available in the website, the student must fill the form with the correct information that is suitable to their situation: "Undertaking for Those Receiving Healthcare Services Through Their Family" or "Undertaking for Those Who Do Not Receive Health Services Through Their Family".

5- If the information in the documents to be prepared is incomplete or incorrect, it is not possible to legally enter insurance. It is important that the information in these records is complete, error-free and timely for the insurance transactions to be carried out in the regions belonging to the relevant officers in the Personnel Department.

6- After all approvals are made, the students must receive "The Internship Continuation Form", and "The Intern Performance Evaluation Form" from the volunteer internship coordinator before the start of the internship. These forms will be filled out and signed by the relevant institution where the internship was done and must be submitted to the volunteer internship coordinator in the department after the internship is completed.

Dr. Hepşen Hazal Hüsnügil

Biological Sciences Department, The Voluntary Internship Coordinator

Supplementary Documents

  1. Staj Protokolü
  2. Staj Devam Formu
  3. Stajyer Performans Degerlendirme
  4. Stajyer Ögrenci Bilgi Formu
  5. Beyan ve Taahhütname Formu Sağlık Hizmeti Almayan
  6. Beyan ve Taahhütname Formu Sağlık Hizmeti Alan