Seçkin Eroğlu
- English
- Türkçe

Seçkin Eroğlu
Assistant Professor
+90 (312) 210 5166
Room 138
Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA, 2018-2019
Molecular Plant Nutrition, IPK-Gatersleben, Germany, 2010-2015
Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, Turkey, 2008-2010
Molecular Biology and Genetics, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 2003-2008
Micronutrient malnutrition is the most widespread nutritional disorder. Micronutrient intake is largely dependent on the micronutrient concentration and bioavailability in edible plant parts. We study how plants acquire, transport and store micronutrients. To elucidate the genes involved in micronutrient homeostasis, we compare Arabidopsis thaliana plants with their mutants with a special focus at iron, manganese and zinc metals. The ultimate goal of the laboratory is to contribute the development of crops fortified with micronutrients to combat malnutrition.
Eroglu, S., Vogel-Mikus, K., Karaca, N., Filiz, E., Tanyolac, B. (2018). The conservation of VIT1-dependent iron distribution in seeds. Frontiers in Plant Physiology, 10:907
Eroglu, S. (2018). Chapter Four-Metal transport in the developing plant seed. Membrane Transport in Plants. In Advances in Botanical Research, Academic Press, 87:91-113
Eroglu, S., Aksoy, E. (2017). Genome-wide analysis of gene expression profiling revealed that COP9 signalosome is essential for correct expression of Fe homeostasis genes in Arabidopsis. BioMetals, 30, 685-698
Eroglu, S., Giehl, R. F. H., Meier, B., Takahashi, M., Terada, Y., Ignatiev, K., Andresen, E., Küpper, H., Peiter, E., von Wirén, N. (2017). Metal Tolerance Protein 8 mediates manganese homeostasis and iron reallocation during seed development and germination. Plant Physiology, 174(3), 1633-1647
Eroglu, S., Meier, B., von Wirén, N., & Peiter, E. (2016). The vacuolar manganese transporter MTP8 determines tolerance to Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 170, 1030–45