Semra Kocabıyık


+90 (312) 210 5174


Room 139


 Department of Biology, University of Louisville, USA, 1990-1992

 Department of Biology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1982-1986

 Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1980-1982

 Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, Turkey , 1972-1977


Our research has primarily focused on molecular mechanisms underlying protein themostability; functional, structural and regulatory analyses of molecular machines (i.e., proteasome and molecular chaperonines, small heat-shock proteins); improving stability and activity of enzymes with potential medical uses through rational design and using molecular chaperones; molecular basis of stress response in thermoacidophilic archaea, Thermoplasam volcanium as the model organism.


Aygar, G., Kaya, M., Özkan, N., Kocabıyık, S., Volkan, M, 2015. Preparation of silica encoated cobalt ferritin magnetic nanoparticles for the purification of histidine tagged proteins. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 87:64-71.

Kocabıyık, S., S. Aygar, 2012. Improvement of protein stability and enzyme recovery under stress conditions by using a small HSP (tpv-HSP 14.3) from Thermoplasma volcanium. Process Biochemistry, 47:1676-1683.

Kocabıyık, S., Özdemir, İ., Zwickl, P., Özdoğan, S. Molecular Cloning and co-expression of Thermoplasma volcanium proteasome subunit genes. Protein Expression and Purification, 73 : 223-230 (2010).

Kocabıyık, S, 2009. Essential structural and functional features of small heat shock proteins in molecular chaperoning process. Protein and Peptide Letters, 16 (6): 613-622.

Kocabıyık, S., B. Demirok, 2009. Cloning and Overexpression of a Thermostable Signal Peptide Peptidase (SppA) from Thermoplasma volcanium GSS1 in E.coli. Biotechnology Journal, 4: 1055-1065.

Last Updated:
07/30/2020 - 15:49